Introducing the
Daughters of Immaculata

A new community. A new mission.

It Is the Today of Our Lady

The Daughters of the Immaculata are women called to a new semi-contemplative religious community. Our Sisters are totally dedicated to prayerful intercession and to the work of evangelizing those who have left the Church or are furthest from her heart. Young women called to join in the Daughters of the Immaculata in this ‘first hour’ will know the voice of Jesus, the summon of our Lady, and the encouragement of the great Marian Saints. They possess a particular, filial devotion to our Most Blessed Mother, understand the power and urgent need for Total Consecration, and will be given great confidence in our Lady to give every grace needed to be Her missionaries today for the sake of the Church to the greatest glory of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Total Self-Gift

Our Most Blessed Mother is our sure model, help, formator, superior, and foundress. Our lives are a unique expression of Total Consecration to Jesus through the Immaculata who stands at the foot of Jesus’ Most Holy Cross. Our Blessed Lady gives Her Daughters every grace we need to respond to the Father’s abundant love with a joyful, total, persevering self-gift. Our Sisters know, live, and testify to the joy of being loved into being at every moment of every day, and this makes our lives a continual Magnificat. Like Our Blessed Mother Mary going in haste to Saint Elizabeth and like the Priest giving Most Holy Communion, the Sisters will go out to bear Jesus to our fatigued and weary brothers and sisters. We will share with them the joy of Him who says, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


our source & strength

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me through the Immaculata.” — Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe

Fully/solemnly professed will Sisters dedicate four to six hours to prayer in addition to the active life of the community. Our mission, therefore, is simply an overflow the Lord’s abundant goodness. “What you receive as a gift, give as a gift” (Our Lord Jesus).

Although multifaceted, our missionary activity will be of direct service to the local Church. We will ask our Most Blessed Mother to show her desire before accepting any apostolate and will choose works that most efficaciously lead our brothers and sisters to the heart of our Holy Mother, the Church where Saint Paul says, “there is no spot, stain, or wrinkle.”


‘Behold your mother’ (Jn 19:27). These words of Jesus from the holy cross are the north star of the Daughters of the Immaculata. We are spiritually born kneeling at the foot of Jesus’ holy cross with our Most Blessed Mother standing beside us calling us to purity of heart.”

— The first words of statutes of the DI

For Our Spiritual Children

“But child, you are not yet in your homeland; so go, fortified by My grace, and fight for My kingdom in human souls; fight as a king’s child would; and remember that the days of your exile will pass quickly, and with them the possibility of earning merit for heaven. I expect from you, My child, a great number of souls who will glorify My mercy for all eternity”

—Jesus in the Diary of Saint Faustina, 1489


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